National Miniature Dachshund Club, Inc.
Founded in 1953
History of the
National Miniature Dachshund Club, Inc.
Est. in 1953
1953 The National Miniature Dachshund Club was incorporated by a dedicated group of Miniature breeders.
1966 The Dachshund Club of America polled its membership on separate variety status for Miniature and Standard Dachshunds. This poll indicated that separate variety status was wanted.
1972 The official club magazine, the NMDC Digest, had its inception. It was published 6 times a year.
1974 DCA attempted to clarify the standard by adding the following as guidelines: “Miniatures must weigh under 10 lbs and Standard size dachshunds should ideally weigh from 16 to 30 lbs.” DCA members approved the change by the necessary 2/3 majority but AKC denied approval because the many dogs who weigh between 10 and 16 pounds would be in limbo.
1977 NMDC began to hold Miniature Specialties in various locales across the country. (average entry 167)
1997 A suggestion was made to the DCA Board to form a committee to review the expansion of the breed to 6 varieties. The DCA Board voted against this proposal – 7 yes, 8 no.
1999 NMDC polled all AKC licensed dachshund judges as to their feeling concerning the separation of Miniature and Standard Dachshunds. Over 70% supported separation.
2000 NMDC successfully petitioned DCA to ask their members to vote on a standard change to expand the dachshund breed to six varieties. 1,062 ballots were received with 497 votes for the amendment, 559 against.
2002 Official website was created (no longer exists)
2004 Three officers and three members of NMDC met with Dennis Sprung, James Crowley, and Michael Liosis at the AKC Administrative Office, NYC. Strategies for Miniature separation were discussed.
2005 NMDC sent an opinion poll to all DCA members on separation to six varieties: 952 members were polled; 501 responded. 73% were in favor.
DCA submitted to AKC a revised breed standard which included among many changes the separation of Miniatures into 3 additional varieties. The DCA Board included a statement that they did not support the creation of 6 varieties. AKC’s position on new varieties was negative.
2006 NMDC changed their Constitution as follows:
To work with Dachshund Club of America, Inc. the American Kennel Club to bring about the separation of the Miniature Dachshund from the Standard Dachshund as a Variety of the Breed. Vote was yes – 335, no – 13
2007 Mid States Miniature Dachshund Club was established as a regional specialty club.
2008 The NMDC Board wrote a standard for Miniature Dachshunds and presented it to their membership for a vote. 279 yes votes; 62 no votes. Major departures from the DCA standard concern weight (9-ll pounds is the preferred weight) and color (immaterial). A point system was created to permit NMDC Championships to be awarded.
2009 NMDC conducted a survey of mid states region (MI, IL, IN, OH KY, TN, and WV) 70% of dachshunds shown were Miniature but only 30% of BOV winners were Miniatures
NMDC circulated a petition asking the DCA Board to appoint a committee to meet with AKC to investigate the formation of 6 separate breeds. DCA rejected the document because many of the signatures were collected electronically.
2010 West Coast Miniature Dachshund Club was established, the second regional club.
The first NMDC Championship was awarded to a Miniature Wirehaired Dachshund.
2012 Three Smooth Miniature Dachshunds finished their NMDC championships.
2013 The first Miniature Long and the second Miniature Wire became champions.
2016 The Digest format changed to a full color magazine published quarterly.