National Miniature Dachshund Club, Inc.
Founded in 1953
Process for Developing a Regional Miniature Dachshund Club
Contact all NMDC members and any other prospective club members in a geographical area to invite them to come to a meeting to discuss forming a club. This initial meeting could be tied to an all breed show cluster that typically has a large miniature dachshund entry. Ideally, the club will include 2 or more states, up to a maximum of eight, with possible exceptions in densely populated areas.
At the first organizational meeting(s), the group should:
Have an open discussion about the goals of the club and its potential members with regard to separation of miniature dachshunds. It is essential that all club members are committed to separation in a regional club.
Determine the geographical area for which the group wishes to apply. This must be approved by the NMDC board and Regional Liaison.
Select an interim President, Secretary and Treasurer for the first few meetings until bylaws are in place to hold elections. The interim president leads meetings, communicates with members and potential members and establishes a meeting and potential show schedule, the interim secretary records and posts minutes and the interim treasurer should establish a bank account for the new club.
Distribute example constitution and bylaws to begin any revisions desired. Appoint an individual to take the lead on preparing the draft documents.
Discuss networking opportunities with local kennel clubs to determine which one(s) would be most receptive to providing a location (off-site or 30 min. after BIS) for a miniature dachshund match/show. Appoint someone familiar with the club to contact them. We have found most clubs are interested in the boost in dachshund entries.
Identify a computer person to set up a group discussion site to allow electronic communications between members. (MSMDC uses Yahoo! Groups).
Discuss other potential members to be invited and choose a future meeting date based on all breed show plans. Assign one person to determine location for next meeting and report to the interim president early enough to be communicated to potential members via email and the Digest.
Ideally, the constitution and bylaws would be discussed electronically or over the phone and then can be voted on at the next meeting. Immediately following the approval of the bylaws, the interim president should appoint a nominating committee charged with developing a slate of officers according to the bylaws.
Once a new club has held at least two meetings attended by a minimum of six members, and approved a constitution and bylaws, the application for regional club status should be completed and submitted to the NMDC regional liaison.
The liaison will review the documents and submit them to the NMDC board. If possible, the interim president may wish to attend the next NMDC board meeting. Otherwise, any clarification or changes requested will be sent to the proposed club’s interim president in writing.
After receiving approval from the NMDC board, the new regional club should hold elections consistent with the approved bylaws and dues should be collected according to the bylaws from the Charter members, those persons meeting the qualifications for membership at the time of approval. The charter members are responsible for voting on new members who meet the application criteria after NMDC approval.
Once the regional club application is approved, a miniature dachshund show should be planned. The NMDC board will consider requests for seed money to cover event insurance, etc. not to exceed 500 dollars. Each approved NMDC regional club shall receive 1 free full page advertisement in the NMDC Digest for their first show. Subsequent advertisements will be billed to the club. Show results, brief articles and pictures will be printed in the Digest at no charge on a space available basis at the discretion of the Editor in consultation with the NMDC board.
The regional club must submit a quarterly report to the NMDC Liaison and the NMDC board. A 1-2 page report should include a brief summary of the progress being made by the club and any difficulties experienced. This information may be shared with other regional miniature dachshund clubs.