National Miniature Dachshund Club, Inc.
Founded in 1953
The National Miniature Dachshund Club, Inc. (NMDC)
The National Miniature Dachshund Club, Inc. is dedicated to
the improvement of miniature dachshunds, in accordance with
the breed standard. NMDC encourages all individuals who are
breeders of miniatures to strive for correct conformation and
disposition and to eliminate inherited health problems.
Through the effort and commitment of NMDC, its members and similar organizations around the world, the miniature dachshund has evolved into what it is today.
NMDC members across the country and around the world keep in touch through the pages of the NMDC Miniature Dachshund "DIGEST", sent free of charge four (4) times a year to all members and the information provided on the Club's website - www.nmdcdachshund.org. Place this site in your web browsers "favorites" and visit us often.
If you are a breeder and/or exhibitor, whether in the conformation ring, obedience ring or other performance events and feel you can abide by our Code of Ethics, please contact any of our officers or directors for a membership application.
Subscriptions to the digest are also available.